Fathers Rights Lawyers in Chicago are experienced divorce attorneys who specialize in family law matters involving men’s rights. They can assist you with a variety of issues including divorce, child custody, and paternity. A good Fathers Rights Lawyers in Chicago can help you navigate your case and get the best outcome possible.
If your marriage is not working out and you have tried your hardest to save it, a divorce may be the next step. You will need to prove to the court that you have irreconcilable differences and that it is not in the best interests of your children for you and your spouse to continue to live together. Then the court will grant you a dissolution of your marriage.
A good Fathers Rights Lawyers in Chicago will work with you throughout the whole process to ensure that your rights are protected and that your spouse is held accountable for any past actions that may have caused harm to your relationship. This includes helping you determine if there is any domestic violence in your marriage. Then your attorney will help you take appropriate steps to protect yourself and any children involved. During the discovery process, your Attorney will help you obtain key documents and information from your spouse. This helps prepare your case for settlement or trial. Typically, around 95% of all family law cases settle before reaching the trial stage. If yours does not, your attorney will participate in a pre-trial conference to give the Judge an idea of what each party’s case is about and if they can come up with a compromise that is best for everyone.
As a parent, you want to be involved in the life of your child. But sometimes the courts can appear biased against fathers in determining child custody arrangements. Your Fathers Rights Lawyers in Chicago will fight to prevent this from happening and will work hard to help you receive a fair custody arrangement.
Child custody matters are complicated and should be left to a qualified Chicago Child custody attorney. In Illinois, parents can share legal and physical custody of their child. However, the court will consider many factors to decide which parent is best suited for a particular child. These include the mother’s and father’s abilities, their relationship with the child, any history of abuse or neglect by either parent, their age, the environment of the home, and more.
If you are unmarried, your Fathers Rights Lawyers in Chicago will help you overcome the presumption that the mother has sole allocation of parental responsibilities (child custody). Then your Attorney will assist you with creating a custody and visitation agreement that is in your best interest and that takes into account your parental rights as a father.
The best way to find a good Fathers Rights Lawyers in Chicago is to research reputable law firms and individual attorneys that are skilled in family law. Look for an attorney with extensive experience, positive client reviews, and a high success rate. Also, schedule consultations with a few potential attorneys to discuss your case and understand their approach and communication style.