The process of how child support and alimony are possible is one that is discussed among many family law lawyers in the United States. Child support is the financial obligation which a parent makes to support his or her minor child. Alimony is the payment of wages or remuneration received by the spouse of the recipient from a partner who has given up or retired from their job or occupation. In either case, there is a possibility of the child supporting one parent or the other.
Child support, also called spousal maintenance, are monetary payments which a custodial parent makes to the other parent during a divorce, when the couple is divorced or entered into an uncontested legal separation. Unlike alimony, child support is not calculated according to an established state law formula.
The amount of child support can vary greatly from case to case. It depends upon the age and development of the child as well as the income and assets of both parents. The courts, especially in states where support is mandatory, have discretion when determining the level of support. These cases may be decided as per the laws of the country in which the parents are married. In other cases, the court may determine the amount of support based on the guidelines laid down in the Divorce Act. In such cases, it is best to appoint a child support and alimony attorney or other experienced family lawyer to represent your case.
The custodial parent is the one who pays the child support and the payments made in one installment. In some cases, the payments may be made monthly. However, they may also be made every six months or yearly depending on the child’s development. If the parties are divorcing in the United States, the custodial parent may make the payments through a custodial arrangement agreement which is also referred to as a custody arrangement or parenting plan. The agreement gives the courts a certain amount of time to review and approve the custody arrangement after which the courts could make an order for the child support and/or alimony.
The courts may also decide that the custodial parent will have no rights to receive the support in some or all cases. This means that the support amount shall be given to the custodial party or parties who receive the child’s welfare, support or welfare. and support of the child. In some countries, the courts may award the support through taxes. This is known as obliging.
In other countries, however, where a parent is the non-custodial parent, there is no legal way to enforce the child support and/or alimony as it is left to the court. The non-custodial parent may make an application in a court of law to obtain support or alimony. If the court grants the request, he or she is entitled to receive the support if the court finds the reason of support reasonable and just.