Family Law

The Benefits of Working with an Expert Child Custody Attorney

Davis and Associates’ Fort Worth child custody attorneys provide their clients with steadfast professionalism, meticulous planning, and a well-thought-out strategic approach to achieve the best possible result in all family law cases. Families all around the state of Texas are represented by us.

Although the law in this field is intricate and often hard to comprehend, our lawyers are qualified to help you navigate these nuances. When you visit us, we will examine your situation and collaborate with you to create a parenting strategy that safeguards both your rights and your kids’ interests.

In non-aggressive or non-acrimonious divorce processes, parents can agree to settle child custody issues, or in contentious circumstances, the court can issue an order. The ultimate custody decision will be made by a court in any scenario. The relationship between your child and each parent, the ability of each parent to provide a safe and supportive environment for your child, the emotional and physical needs of your child both now and in the future, and whether one or both parents have a history of domestic violence are just a few of the many factors that judges will take into account. In some situations, the court may also take your child’s desires into account, provided that they are old enough and mature enough to communicate them.

The majority of parents ultimately receive joint custody. In Texas, this is known as a joint managing conservatorship, in which both parents share access to the kid and have substantial decision-making power. Nonetheless, a court may grant one parent visiting privileges or sole custody under certain situations.

The following elements will be taken into account by the court when determining what is in your child’s best interests:

A guardian ad litem may occasionally be appointed to act in the child’s best interests and offer an unbiased evaluation of your circumstances. This is particularly crucial in instances with a history of abuse or high intensity custody fights.

Texas has mandatory child support standards that a court can impose depending on the kid’s needs and the custodial parent’s income. Unless the custody and visitation arrangement specifies differently, support usually lasts until the kid turns 18. Click here to contact the #1 Family Attorney in Fort Worth, TX.