Family Law

What Is The First Step In Getting A Divorce?

Phoenix Divorce Lawyer

If you are going through a divorce, you’ll want to hire a Phoenix divorce attorney to represent you. A divorce lawyer can help you to avoid making expensive mistakes and to find the best solution for you.

The court system can be confusing. There are many different laws that can apply to your case. For example, Arizona is a community property state, so you will need a lawyer who is familiar with these rules. This means that everything you acquire during your marriage will be considered community property, except for some exceptions. You and your spouse may have a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement.

Divorce is a stressful process. It can lead to anger, grief, and confusion. Many people make mistakes when dealing with divorce. Your Phoenix divorce attorney can guide you through the process, from filing to settlement. They can also discuss options for alternative dispute resolution.

The first step in getting a divorce is filing a petition. During this stage, you should gather all of your assets and debts and value them. Once you have your assets identified, you will need to come up with a plan for how to divide them. However, not all assets should be given equal weight. In fact, one of the benefits of uncontested divorce is that you can decide to split your assets and debts as you see fit.

As you are going through the divorce process, you’ll need to make sure you don’t hurt your spouse or your children. You’ll need to protect them by maintaining insurance coverage, and you should also make sure you have no physical abuse committed against them.

There are a number of reasons why a person would want to file for a divorce. One of the most common is that the other party doesn’t agree on all the terms of the marriage. When this happens, the other spouse can stall the timeline of the proceedings and raise the cost of the divorce. Alternatively, the other party may refuse to respond to the petition.

Another reason you might want to file for a divorce is if your spouse is hiding valuable assets or debts. Your divorce lawyer can determine if this is true and advise you on how to proceed.

Other issues that could complicate your Phoenix divorce include the division of assets and debts. In some cases, this will be as simple as dividing the assets in equal shares. Sometimes, it can be as complex as trying to figure out which bank accounts are yours.

An Arizona divorce attorney can also advise you on the benefits of spousal support. Also known as alimony, this is a legal payment made to your former spouse during the legal separation. Generally, alimony is awarded in cases where the earning power of the spouses is unequal.

While it is possible to file for a divorce without a lawyer, a lawyer can be invaluable during this time. Not only can your lawyer determine if the other party is hiding assets, but they can also guide you through the steps of an uncontested divorce. To contact the #1 family attorney in Phoenix, Arizona, click here.